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The increasingly complex relationships between people and technology, particularly in the areas of human cognition, task execution, and mission performance, have created new challenges and opportunities for individuals and organizations. 


My research and development efforts focus on advancing the scientific understanding of complex cyber-human systems and informing the design of emerging simulation technologies and intelligent agents in the service of human cognition and performance.


I have expertise in systems requirements analysis, human systems integration, and the validation of synthetic interactive environments. As a key member of a University of Central Florida (UCF) research team, I helped develop the Taxonomy for Holistic Evaluation and Training Assessment (THETA), currently used by the UCF Institute for Simulation and Training and military stakeholders. This taxonomy establishes methodologies for assessing both the human and technical elements of interactive simulation systems to ensure alignment with desired mission performance and learning outcomes. 


As a highly experienced research and technical consultant in the areas of systems analysis, live/virtual/constructive (LVC) simulation, and technical assessment and validation, I have worked on high profile projects for commercial and military clients, including the Federal Aviation Administration, the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence, U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), the U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Marine Corps.

Businessman on blurred background using


  • Human Systems Integration

  • Cognitive Engineering

  • UX/LX in Mission Critical Systems

  • Intelligent Adaptive Learning Systems

  • Live/Virtual/Constructive (LVC) Simulation 

  • Data Analytics, Evaluation, and Assessment

  • Cognitive Fidelity of Simulation Systems

© 2024 by Martin S. Goodwin, Ph.D.

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